Frigate Proxy rating is based upon following reviews
By: Customer
2022-12-23 12:12:19
SCAM ALERT. Avoid. I place a test proxy to the cart and was redirected to another payment system and top upped the balance as it was requested on the page, and then received some code from another brand and from another website by email. And I didn't know what to do with that code, because normally we should receive a proxy itself by email and on the website. So I contacted their support, and they couldn't find me, more than this, he asked me to show some proof of payment and share the account login (even though I was writing from my account that I've created on their website)... so the final - the support couldn't find me, couldn't see my account, he said I didn't pay for anything even after I shared screenshots of their email confirmation and receipt, he couldn't understand the issue and was rude to me. Just the fact. Spent money for nothing. No proxy, no any help from customer support, I was blamed that I don't have that order in my account as a proof for them. Clear scam